Real-world Vulnerability Discovery


SemesterWinter 2023
Course typePractical Course/ Lab
LecturerTT.-Prof. Dr. Wressnegger, KITCTF
AudienceInformatik Master & Bachelor
Credits4 ECTS
Room148 and -120, Building 50.34
LanguageEnglish and/or German


In this practical course, you work on finding 0-day vulnerabilities in real-world software. You practically learn about exploitation techniques, bug-bounty programs, and vulnerability disclosure. Students will engage in collaborative vulnerability research investigating the security of pre-defined software targets. However, instead of working in a controlled/staged setup with toy vulnerabilities, you will analyze real-world software found in production with an undefined number of vulnerabilities.

You will report your findings in the scope of the vendor's bug-bounty programs or similar disclosure procedures, striving to have a CVE number assigned to the found vulnerability.


Thu, 2. Nov, 15:45–17:15Kick-off Meeting
Thu, 2. Nov, 19:00What are CTFs? & Web Security
Thu, 9. Nov, 19:00Reverse Engineering
Thu, 16. Nov, 19:00Binary Exploitation
Thu, 23. Nov, 19:00Cryptography
Thu, 23. Nov, 19:00Cryptography
Thu, 8.15. FebHand-in Write-up and PoC
Thu, 15. 22. Feb, 15:45–17:15Presentation at final colloquium


You need to have successfully passed the following courses:

  • Lecture "Informationssicherheit"
  • Practical course "Anwendungssicherheit"